Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

what is yoast

what is yoast
what is yoast

six years agoi started doing website reviews, because i wanted to workwith smaller customers, next to the big brands i was working for. i was working for the ebay and otherbig brands in the world at that time. so we built a tool in which we can quickly lookat hundreds of different factors on the site and see what needs improvementand what doesn't need improvement. we have the gold review and that meansthat we look at usability & conversion, content, site structure,technical seo and also page speed. and the end result of a gold review isa full list of things that you're doing good

and things that need more improvement. in our reviews, we could for instancetell you to rethink your site structure or adress on issues with your site speed. but we could also tell youto completely redesign your homepage to have more focuson your call-to-action. it's all these things togetherthat make a great website.

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