Senin, 01 Mei 2017

blogger vs wordpress

blogger vs wordpress
blogger vs wordpress

should i learn dreamweaver or wordpress? wordpress turns you into an instant blogger- or content management system admin. that sounds pretty attractive. i'll blame wordpress for all the millionsof amateur bloggers in the world. and wordpress plugins for all the so calleddevelopers in the world who think creating a new wordpress template makes them a goodprogrammer. do you think that knowing dreamweaver makesyou a good website administrator? you can create websites and content via dreamweaver,but without html or css, it doesn't mean the site looks good on mobile devices.

dreamweaver has other uses in the artisticfields. yes, you can use dreamweaver to be a graphicartist. some people even turn dreamweaver images into wordpress templates. and there are people who use php to programwordpress plugins and templates. what do you think i should learn? wordpress on its face is easier and fasterto learn. it is like learning html as the first step to becoming a web developer. should i learn dreamweaver? you could, to get into web design. you couldalso learn javascript, html5 or other programming

languages. dreamweaver is an app, not a programming language. that makes it both easier and harder to can learn it quickly for its particular intended purpose, but converting it into somethingoutside of its intended niche is hard. so what should i do? learn dreamweaver if you want to be a graphicartist, and wordpress if you want to blog about it. you have a big but in that statement. if you’re going to be a web designer ordeveloper, learn another language like javascript

or php or you’ll fail in a head to headcompetition with a programmer. and you’ll look like an idiot trying to argue that adreamweaver file turned wordpress template makes you as much of a developer as the guyshowing off his latest appstore offering.

blogger vs wordpress

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