Senin, 01 Mei 2017

blogger vs wordpress vs tumblr

blogger vs wordpress vs tumblr
blogger vs wordpress vs tumblr

okay, so i’ve made a lot of deaf relatedvideos that are all about the problems with being d/d or hard of hearing and today, iwant to do something that’s a little bit more positive. so we’re gonna talk about the perks of beingd/deaf or hard of hearing. 1 - we don’t get woken up by birds or lawnmowersat 7:30 in the morning. i remember all the time when it’s springand summer and i’m on facebook in the early hours of the morning, or twitter or tumblror whatever, and there’s always at least one or two people complaining about how mostlythe lawn mower people come over or the neighbours are lawn mowing and they get so angry abouthow they get woken up -

and i’m just thinking, “oh yeah, i can’thear that. i get to sleep through it!” “oh, you woke up at 7:30 because of lawnmowersand birds? oh, i slept in until 10 because it’s so quiet and nice and peaceful.” 2 - loud noises in public. depending on how much hearing loss you have,you can either a - not move or b - move. in my case, i would more than likely haveto move over a little bit and then everything would be okay, but if you are a hearing aidor cochlear implant user and you are obviously more profoundly deaf than i am, you can simplyturn the device off and then you have a lot more peace and quiet.

my other solution’s either putting my fingerin my left ear, but that just makes my arm tired, so i have my trusty good ol’ earphonesand i’ll stick it in one ear and then i’m fine. 3 - not having to hear the cat calls whenyou’re walking down the street. now this is only good if the person that iscat-calling you is not angry that you are “ignoring” person and person does notget aggressive and uhm - otherwise, you could end up on cnn or msnbcand that’s not exactly a perk. 4 - having closed captioning on the televisionand then being able to listen to music at the same time.

now anybody could do this, but uhm - generally, most hearing people either a) don’tcare to use the captions - or b) hate captions with every fiber of theirbeing. thank you, annoying hearing people on tumblrwho complain about the tumblrs that caption vines. but, for me, i can watch an episode of restaurantimpossible or something, and if i feel like it, watch a youtube video or listen to music. all i have to do is read the closed captioningon the tv that is behind my computer and then… that’s it.

this might be difficult for some people. it is multitasking,but the more you do it, the easier it gets. it’s like hearing people using captionsor subtitles for the very first time, it’s so difficult for them to read it - but, for me, i can go through it so fast. 5 - if somebody tries to shit talk you (likethe person that i live with) or is whining to you about something, then… this goes back to the loud noises in can either a) put an earphone in the bad ear or worse ear - put your finger in your ear or turn off yourlistening aid device and you are just fine.

until they want to get closer to you and thencomplain some more, but then you move. and if that doesn’t work, call dexter. 6 - the sonic alert* alarm clock. if you don’t know what the hell i’m talkingabout, i’ll put a picture right here since i don’t want to unplug mine. it’s an alarm that looks like a regularalarm and then it has a little vibrating mechanism that you put under the mattress or whateverthat you’re sleeping on and you set it up like you would a normal alarm clock and thenit starts buzzing. now this is good for two reasons: 1 - it wakesus up.

2 - [ giggling ] [ more giggling ] i had a friend a long time ago that i invitedto come sleep over at my house and it was time for us to go to sleep - we wanted to go to sleep so as she was gettingherself situated, i had this evil plan to set the alarm and just not mention anythingabout - she knew it was an alarm clock, but she didn’tknow exactly what it was, what it did. she didn’t know it was a special alarm clock. as we were lying down on the bed, i had itset for like the next minute and she’s just

talking, talking, talking, talking, talking,and then all of a sudden, it feels like 4, 5 magnitude earthquake going on underneathus. and it scared the fucking shit out of her. i’m talking she yelped and she jumped outof the bed and she started swearing and it was so fucking funny and it’s one of thegreatest pranks on hearing people that i can think of. i’m evil. 7 - going first on a plane! or at least being in the group of people thatgets to go on before everybody else.

but, yeah, getting to avoid all the otherpeople that are already standing in the plane and bumping into them when you’re tryingto put your luggage up - it’s nice to have that room. and 8 - we’re much better drivers. if you don’t believe me, then look up thestatistics that say we’re much better drivers than hearing people. which is hilarious because we were all bannedfrom driving until, like, the 60s. you can ask the [hearing] guy that hit mein october. but, uhm, really. every time, like, a carcrash on the news. when it’s 38 million

deaf or hard of hearing people - i’ve never,ever, ever seen any news articles state that the person who’s driving and caused theaccident is deaf or hard of hearing. they would make sure to make a point out ofit. but, really, we have less distractions and,so, you know… we make it a habit to, you know, pay attentionto what’s going on in front of us. while we’re looking around at all the otherdrivers - they’re texting on their phone and, youknow, talking on their phones. and you shouldn’t be texting and drivingin the first place. that’s pretty much all the perks that ihave written down, but if you can think of

any more that are not repeats, leave ‘emin the comments. and i will see you in my next video. bye.

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