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visit my website at any point in the lasttwo weeks you'll see a chat option on the bottom right and i just installed this ona whim i was installing it for another site and if i we put it on wp crafter.com and seehow it performs in i guess it's been amazing never been able to connect to my website visitorsbe available for them asking questions and it is also led me to some new opportunitiesand i am a huge fan now of having live chat on your website so i thought i whip up a quickvideo on how you can get a free live chat account just like i'm using on my websitenow i'll be straightforward here there are lots of live chat options there is probablymoderately like 50 to 60 different live chat providers different companies out there nowthe reason i went with this live chat company
is i really like the sleek modern look athow the interfaces so you can see on the bottom right there's my message and there's a pictureof me and it's got this really neat kind of hovering chat effect that i really like plusthey have a desktop app you can of you can moderate via the browser there's an iphonein an android app there's all these great ways to be able to respond to people thatmight want to chat you what so you skip all the talking and to show you how to get thison your website so if you haven't noticed it's there's a little bit of file right hereto video chat and that's the name of the live chat company not cuddling down below i'd appreciateit if you do go to their site i clicked through on my link just wait and see how much traffici'm sending their way up but it's all free
here's video chat in here you can click onthis and create a simple account is just can ask you the price of the website you're gonnaput it on now i have lots of different websites so the website you put it on isn't as importantbecause you can have that same live chat account on multiple websites and i'm to show you howto integrate it into your wordpress website now they do have a paid plan i'm on the freeplan i might stick with the free plants however i'm considering getting the pay plan so here'sthe pay plan for 12 bucks a month on my upgrade to its because i want this automatic messageautomatic messages is actually the only thing that i want from them actually opening hoursis actually pretty cool too and to preach at survey i don't use that am so but i wouldlike this automatic messages and i'll show
you what that is but with the free versionis extremely generous you can have one shot at a time if you just one person i don't icould do more than one chat at a time anyway you can customize the appearance at the colorsand everything you get the to use the mobile apps the desktop apps on their chrome extensionand you get your history sideways just go click through on the link that's down belowand then click on this button and sign up for a free account now in wordpress they couldn'thave made it any easier to add this to your wordpress site now few have websites otherthan wordpress they do have plug-ins and extensions and all that for just about every platformof work you do for wordpress because this is a wordpress channel so you have to do islog into the backend of your wordpress dashboard
go to plug-ins add new and they have a plug-inin the wordpress plug-in repository summon a search for tidio later the right sweet okayjust search for tidio and here it is said to be a live chat it's all five-star reviewsfor them they are that good go ahead and click on install now and then click on activateplug-in right there and then you have a new option right here as you can see that's astudio check: click on that and all you have to do is put in your email and password thatyou use to create the account just a moment ago now think you have something here whereyou don't need to have an account i don't know what you would want an account thoughsome anyways i'm the new pause the video in him and enter my account okay so now i putmy email and password in i submitted it in
that it takes you to this screen were it allowsyou to choose your project so when you set up the account you create a project put aurl i only have this one even know i have it on his several different websites so, clickon that and then i'm a click on select and then what happens now is when you click onthis button is good to take you to the operator panel and it should do a new tab so i'm goback to wordpress's is loaded up now in wordpress whenever you click on tidio chat right hereit's going to take you straight into the panel from here on out is not to show you this optionright here so here is the panel and i can see right now their seven people on my websitei can see exactly where they are and i can actually click on any of these and initiatea chat with someone so when i can even see
what country they're in so let's see thatthat the let's go ahead and see what this person right here's up to you can click onit and i was a we don't know the person's name yet so it just shows this random characterbut if you do get their name you can replace it with the name and i can go here and sayhi can help you and then hit enter we'll see if they respond up and about their ip addressi know what browser i know what country therein and i've gone ahead and chatted them up idon't have to sit here and wait for response i can just close out if they do respond i'llget a notification here in my computer and on my phone and i'll be of the jump in andrespond to them so your son the managers of the paid version are right here you clickon automation and you can automate on these
four instances right here so someone goesto a particular page you can automate say sending them a message if you get to the osor email sending them an email and if someone visits for the first time someone returnsyour website and if you don't respond so say someone chat you and you can have it sendthem a message after some. of time if you're not able to get back to them such a look atsome of the action so let's guard your freckled on this when someone opens a page so let'sjust say this say that the page would you wanted to be specific page and then so tedthis is by default saying 10 seconds after due this action of it you can change this,click on okay and here's the different actions that you can do you can send a chat messagesend an email added tag and remove the tag
so these are some of the really cool actionsthat you can do automation but that's for the paid version now for the appearance youdon't have to pay to get these appearance options signatures what this first messageis what the images that shows there there's different looks to it i like this modern looklike i was telling you but if you prefer something else those are available as well and you couldchoose what corner it's on there just all these wonderful options you can even do thislittle sidebar thing i like how i have it set but some people might want that littlesidebar on the side that says chat with us and here you can change the color you changethe text in that's included all in the free version of its when you click on apps as iand out this video are right here these are
all the different platforms it integrateswith which is pretty deep if you ask me so anyways i really want to encourage you totest this out go ahead and slap live chat on your website and just see what happensi know for me i hope i love it and what really like is only to connect and talk to you soi want you to know on right over to my website and you can chat me up i am their fences onthere i am there is not a chat bot now course at first message you might c is is an automatedmessage but that doesn't mean i'm not there so whenever someone comes to my website forthe first time i have sent a message saying his teacher first time once you know gladto have you and i'm here to answer any questions you might have so anyways lifejackets alsoi recommend you put it on your site that's
it for today's video i love to hear your thoughtson it in the comment section down below please also give me a thumbs up on youtube that reallyhelps me out and if you haven't subscribed it to the channel go ahead and click on thatsubscribe on that also helps me out now i don't want you to ever leave empty handedand that's why i put together a free video course just for my subscribers called thethree steps to wordpress success now if you would like a free access to that course justgo ahead and click right here on the right thanks for watching and i'll see you in thenext video
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